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Pas l’temps d’niaisey !

People think that weekend rhymes for us, students, with laziness, binge drinking and hangover. That’s quite true for the average student. However, some inveterate members of the student tribe keep resisting still and always to their weekly self-decrepitude faith.

Meeting: 7:00 a.m. Direction “Pic de la Belle Etoile” for Tanguy –ex almost-professional cross-skier- and I.

1 300 meters higher than the Pleynet where we parked, we’re hurrying to touch the top of the peak in a tempestuous windy ambiance before riding back to the car.

Tanguy, in his comfy mold-ass tight demonstrate high skilled ski technique, however he’d swear it was the steepest slope he did ever.

Back on the ground after only 3 hours of ride, the student instinct woke up as our barbed eyes searched for a fresh alcoholic beverage. A pinch later that let us feverishly happy, we drove back to Gre city and our debauched student life… #Pas l’temps d’niaiser

Tanguy asking for a beer...

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