Sponsors and Partnerships
A world tour like the one we are preparing needs a huge organisation, but also a certain quantity of money. Two students without regular income don't have automatically this money. And even if we participate with our own savings, the purpose of our trip is also to prove that when there's a will, there's a way, and that everyone can plan such a trip even without huge personnal financial means.
That's why we need sponsors and partnerships to support our project and make it happens !
See our sponsor files for more informations!
gave us 20% off on its whole catalog, including gears,
equipment and technical alpine clothes.
Le Vieux Campeur offered us a 13% discount on every equipment.
L'Auberge du Rhin
If you're in Grenoble and want to enjoy a typical
alsacian meal in a friendly atmosphere, there's no best place to go!
Alérion Société d'Avocats
La Voix des Cimes is also present in Paris!
With this lawyer society specialized in international affairs, nothing can happen to us, for sure.
We are very glad and grateful of the trust they put in us since our project wouldn't be possible without such partners.
We are always searching for new financial and mediatic supports! If you are interested or if you know any firm which could be, you can reach us at arthur.lachat@iepg.fr ( +336 21 57 27 70) or corentin.mehu@laposte.net ( +336 83 40 41 85 )