The Project
My name is Arthur Lachat, a 21 year old French student from Grenoble. Convinced that we all should experience more than the basic school-job career, I decided to take a year off to discover a little bit more of the world. Starting alone with my ideas of adventures, I found soon a mate with the same motivations with Corentin Mehu, student engineer and alpinist, just like me. He joined my initial project and together we had serious brainstorming sessions to set up a meaningful expedition. Both of us, we didn't want to go for a vacation trip like many other privileged young tourists who go for a bad ass trip which fit their expectations of what an adventure is. I don't want to be scornful here, and I'm sure it's possible to live some wonderful experiences with such a trip. It's just not what we want to do.
What do we want to do by the way?
We are going to travel and achieve (hopefully) many summits in alpine style in New-Zealand, Canada, Peru and Tadjikistan from January to August 2017. Why these destinations and why in this order? The answer's here.
The goal of this expedition, besides the athletic challenge and the adventure that it represents for two passionates climbers like us, is to meet the various mountain people across the world. Others mountain lovers or locals who practice mountaineering, everyone carries a part of the mountain he lives in. Because the culture of mankind is somehow influenced by its environment, even more so with harsh places like mountains, we want to tell the different relationships existing between mankind and mountains.
Doing mountaineering or just going in the mountains is a personal engagement. Each finds different reasons to engage himself in this (sometimes) risky place according to his story, beliefs, desires. We surely know what are our motivations, but what are those of others? Search for vast spaces of nature, athletic challenges, loneliness, mental and physical engagement, or going there simply "because it's there"? Surely a little bit of all...
In each country, we'll present to the local mountaineers our personal outlook of alpinism and we'll propose a cultural look on the alpinism in France. In collaboration with the local alpine club, we'll start a conversation with the locals on their personal practice of mountaineering. Finally, we'll agree on which summit to climb according to the story that each mountainer told us. Climbing those summits will be then charged with a new sense, as we walk into the steps of previous alpinists who have a story attached to this itinerary.
To tell these stories, and how we re-experienced them, we'll publish regularly on this site reports, articles and videos as a testimony of these personals recitals.
We called it the "participative mountaineering"!!
We hope that this project inspire you as much as us! Show us your support on Facebook, or per mail! Check out regularly our blog, some new stuff might appears very often !